Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Awaiting your reply

-----Original Message-----

From: Frank T. Hawkins <>

To: Undisclosed recipients:;

Sent: Sat, May 13, 2017 06:01 AM

Subject: Awaiting your reply

Hello Sir/Ma,

I was contacted by Mrs. Rosemary Huber to deliver two trunk boxes that contains $10 million dollars to her house in New York,USA. On the day I was to travel to deliver the trunk boxes, I called Mrs. Rosemary Huber to tell her about my departure but she did not pick my calls and I do not know why so I kept calling and a lady picked her phone and told me she is a nurse and that Mrs. Rosemary Huber is under serious treatment on dialysis so she can't pick her calls so I waited for days and months but could not speak to her until that same nurse picked her call to tell me that Mrs. Rosemary Huber is dead.

The last time I spoke with her was a day before I was to bring her fund from Ontario Canada, although she was not talking pretty well on phone and she had told me earlier that she has kidney problem and she do go for dialysis. The problem now is that the trunk boxes is with the customs and I have made up my mind to claim the millions of dollars but the only problem now is the demurrage fee. Consignment demurrage per Hour charges for maximum security service is $2.99 and it has been there since 7th of February 2016.I don't have money to pay for it so that is why I need a partner to assist me to pay for it and I will deliver the fund to you or transfer it and we will share 50/50 but before I embark on getting a partner, I thought it wise to search for Mrs. Rosemary Huber relative so while searching I got your information and decided to contact you.

Mrs. Rosemary Huber, is a very rich woman and she kept millions of dollars buried in her jewelry store in Ontario Canada. I asked her why bury her money and she said she needs it close because of her poor health condition and also her late husband lost millions of dollars in the bank so she does not like to deposit money in the bank. I took a picture of basket of dollars from her shop while arranging the dollars in the truck boxes in Canada and I can attach it to you for you to see.

If you are related to her or interested in partnering with me to claim the fund, then please reply immediately to avoid accumulation of demurrage fee. I await your reply.


Frank T. Hawkins


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