Friday, September 14, 2018

A Business Proposal.

----Original Message-----
From: Attorney W. Collins <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 13, 2018 08:03 PM
Subject: A Business Proposal.

BARRISTER WAYNE COLLINS WAYNE COLLINS & ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL LAW CHAMBERS. SOLICITORS AND ADVOCATES Logistics Unit, Our Ref: SIB1000732985761. My name is Attorney Wayne Collins a Brazilian citizen based in UNITED STATE. I am the Personal Attorney to one late Mr. Morris Gary an American citizen who served as a Commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs from 1973 to 1976 in the United States and a business man before his death. He died while returning from vacation with his wife and only daughter in an air crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 which was a scheduled international passenger flight on January 31, 2000 from Lic. Gustavo D?az Ordaz International Airport in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Seattle, Washington, with an intermediate stop at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco California. Before then, Mr. Morris Gary an old business man made a fixed deposit, worth the sum of $20,000,000.00 US Dollars (Twenty Million United States Dollars) with ?g1st BANK OF AMAZONA?h and upon maturity in the year 2008 several notice was sent to reach any of his family members, but there were no response up till date and no one has been able to identify or be reached as a relative to late Mr. Morris Gary who die with his wife Thelma and only daughter Sheryl who happened to be the next of kin and beneficiary to his estate. One of the reason why I contacted you is, according to the present law in UNITED STATE, by the end of this year 2018, being his personal attorney, if am unable to provide his next of kin and beneficiary of this fund this worth the sum of $20,000,000.00 US Dollars plus the accrued interest for this period of 20years, the fund will be reverted to the Federal Government Treasury Account. Against this backdrop, I needed a foreigner to assist me in getting this fund out from the Bank Account because due to bad Leaders/Government this fund will not be utilized but will be diverted into personal account of famous and top political officers in the country rather than using it for proper investment that will promote economic growth and development in the country or rather for charity works. So please I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to my late client Mr. Gary so that you will be able to receive these funds for both of us for investment and other related charity reasons. WHAT IS TO BE DONE IS AS FOLLOWS; You will have to provide me with the below information and attached a copy of your identification while replying this email; [1] NAME: [2] ADDRESS: [3] AGE: [4] SEX: [5] TELEPHONE: [6] FAX: [7] OCCUPATION STATUS: Also be informed that this Transaction will take us just 5-10 working days only to be accomplished beginning from when I receive the above information from you. I will file an application to the Bank on your behalf once I received your information and also secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favor for the movement of the funds to an account that will be provided by you. This process is 100% risk free as I have set out all the modalities to see that a legal and legitimate process is applied. Please note that utmost secrecy and confidentiality is required at all times during this transaction. I will be giving you more details on the receipt of your information as required above I will prefer that you reach me via this email address: Your earliest response to this offer will be appreciated so that I can tell you more of this transaction. Best Regards Attorney W. Collins

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