Sunday, September 2, 2018

Attention: Dear Friend,

From: Nicholas Ortiz <>
Date: Friday, August 17, 2018
Subject: Attention: Dear Friend,

Attention: Dear Friend,

I was waiting to hear from you for the past few days so that I can send your Fund Bank Cheque to you. My dear I want to inform you that your Fund Bank Cheque compensation total the sum of ($600,000.00), which was instructed to be given to you by your partner. My dear your Bank cheque is well approved to your name and today i am waiting to hear from you so that I can post your Bank Cheque to your home adddress immediately through (UPS) delivering Service. So My dear kindly re-confirm your address information so that i can post your Bank Cheque immediately to your address through the (UPS) Delivery service.

Your Name:.......
Your Address:.........
Your Country:.........
Your Phone number:....

My dear, Once I hear from you then I will submit your Bank Cheque to the (UPS) or (DHL) delivering service so that their delivery agent will deliver your Bank Cheque to your home address immediately.

I am urgently waiting to hear from you.

At Your Service,
Barrister Nicholas Ortiz (Senior Attorney).

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