Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Fwd: RE

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Abula <>
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Subject: RE

Good Day,
Please accept my sincere congratulations and I know this message may come to you as a surprise, but I advise you to read it with good understanding. I am Barrister David Abula, from Togo. Therefore, there is a certain amount of funds $ 11.7 million that was left by my late client, is a citizen of your country, who died a few years ago here in my country; can I trust you to work with you to transfer the total amount of $ 11.7 million into your account in your country? And after that we will share the total fund 50 % to 50 %. Moreover, my wife is sick and I need to fly her to Hospital in Abroad, therefore, I want to get to success of this transaction so that I can go further with the treatment of my wife so If you are interested to cooperate with me, I will advise you to respond back to me in my email address or you provide to me your email address to enable me send you the full details about the transaction, so that you can read and come to a good understanding with me.
Reply me on my email address (
Thank you and I wait for your immediate response.
Barrister David Abula
Phone: +22890712188

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