Friday, January 28, 2022


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yunus Munira <>
Date: Saturday, January 22, 2022

Hello Friend,

It is indeed my pleasure to write you this letter, which I believe will be a surprise to you as we have never met before.

I am deeply sorry if I have in any manner disturbed your privacy. Please
forgive my unusual manner of contacting you, I am Yunus Munira,  I am originally from Thailand, but my husband came from Venezuela and we lived in Chicago, United State of America.

I lost my husband to an auto crash on May 7, 2019. Meanwhile I have been
struggling with cancer for a long time and the doctor says that the current stage is uncontrollable and I have a few more months to live.

Before my husband's death in 2019, he contracted a $8.6 million USD deal
with the American government as a Marine Engineer, but death took him away before the money was deposited into my bank account, my husband was a Philanthropist before he died, he also encouraged me to always help the poor, because since we got married, we could not have children.

Because of my health condition. I sent $4 million USD, to my home town
(Venezuela) and sent $600,000 into the hospital account for my treatment
and medication.

I am looking for  someone who can help me implement this project for  philanthropists in other parts of the world, and who can do this project very seriously and sincerely.

I want to do it by myself, but my current health status can not allow me, because I can hardly stand alone without Anchorage or assisted by doctors or nurses, that is the main reason why I contact you.

I will send the remaining $4 million USD, to you so that you can help me to give to the poor and widows in your locality, that was the instructions of my late husband, because we don't have children to inherit the money.

I would have loved to talk to you over the phone, but the problem is that the doctor instructed me not to answer or make a call because I am always in pain.
Try to reply to me immediately for more information.

God will bless you and your family.

2657 W LOGAN BOULEVARD CHICAGO, IL 60647, United State of  
Tel:  +1 (518) 290-8843

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