Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Fwd: Thank You for Your Order...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PayPaI BiIIing <>
Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Subject: Thank You for Your Order...
To: "" <>

 Dear Customer,

 An amount of $763.36 has been sent to Norco Armory From PayPal.
 Please Contact our Customer Executive at  +1 (805 319 4913 (Toll-Free)


Billing Information Purchase Details
Product Name:
1-Narco Armory
Feb 01, 2022
Customer Email:
Transaction ID:


Order Summary
Item Quantity Rate Amount
1-Narco Armory 1 $763.36 $736.36


  Description Amount
  Subtotal $736.36 USD
  Tax 0
  Total $736.36 USD



 Transaction Receipt ID: 01AW8469X95M557P 
 Please keep this Transaction Receipt ID for future reference.





PayPal Team,


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