Wednesday, March 8, 2017


-----Original Message-----

From: Mr. Bayo Bassu Fayemi <>

Sent: Wed, Mar 8, 2017 02:13 AM


Attention Beneficiary,

We have contacted you severally regarding your compensation and fund released by the United Nations (UN), and in conjunction with the "African Union" (AU), and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Therefore, you have been awarded and entitled to receive sum of Five Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$5,700,000.00) as a compensation by this organizations.

Furthermore, there is an issue at hands right now and we need your immediate response and consent for further clarification and to enable us release your fund to Mr. Robert Luis Pereux Jr, as he claimed. As a matter of fact and urgency, we had a report, POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) from one Mr. Robert Luis Pereux Jr, his address is at (1062 Dresden Dr W, Charlotte, NC 28205-6312, USA), and enclosed is his valid ID CARD presented to us for identification. Base on the letter of attorney he submitted before us hereby stated that you have given him the legal power and authority to act on your behalf in order to claim and receive your FUND presently under our custody and possession.

And through the legal PAPERS and the POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) which he submitted before us, we are entirely well convinced that truly you authorized him to claim your FUND on your behalf. The POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) further stated that you are on the sick bed and incapacitated and thereby authorized him to receive and claim the FUND on your behalf.

Well, to be on the safe side and to avoid double claim we have mandated our LAWYER/ATTORNEY to look into this situation and verify the authenticity of the POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) submitted before us by Mr. Robert Luis Pereux Jr, of (1062 Dresden Dr W, Charlotte, NC 28205-6312, USA). And therefore, we have also decided to contact you by this email in order to verify and confirm directly from you if this claim and POWER OF ATTORNEY is legit, real, genuine and authentic.

Please we need your immediate response and clarifications to enable us act accordingly and honor the POWER OF ATTORNEY submitted by Mr. Robert Luis Pereux Jr, of (1062 Dresden Dr W, Charlotte, NC 28205-6312, USA) in accordance with the law of our government.

Thanks for your understanding and anticipated co-operations over this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Bayo Bassu Fayemi.

Chairman, Fund Recovery Committee/Panel.

African Region, ECOWAS.


Tel: +229-9864-6240.

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