Saturday, August 11, 2018

Ed Hensley <

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Date: Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Subject: Fwd:

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From: Ed Hensley <>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018, 12:34
Subject: Re:
To: candice jenkins 


Thanks for your response

In line with my previous message to you, this is about the unclaimed estate valued $13,800,000 USD belonging to late client who died intestate and as result, the bank has given a mandate to bring his next of kin / heir/ heiress or the money would be confiscated by the bank. I am a trust & estate litigation attorney based here in Lomé, Republic of Togo in West Africa and I represented the aforementioned person when he was alive and worked here as petroleum drilling expert and General contractor. When I conducted a comprehensive search about his family through his embassy and genealogical registry it resulted that he was not survived by any alien.

However, I am not sure if the deceased was tied with your family tree or not but that isn't a problem because the succession law scribes that, next of kin is not limited to relations of the deceased nor is it confided to the circuit of parental relationship, rather it is by choice of the benefactor as regards to whom he/she wishes to will it to (beneficiary) either formally by write up, or informally by secret information disclosure to beneficiary  be him/her business partner, relation, kinsmen, friend or well-wisher.

In view of the foregoing preamble, I decided to present you as the next of kin to my late client since I have been given a notice from the bank to introduce the next of kin to claim this fund before the end of the mandate otherwise the institution will confiscate the account as unclaimed fund so, we need to help ourselves with this opportunity. I can't do this alone because the code of conduct does permit me to do this alone. You may not be the only person with this surname but taken into consideration, I believe you are efficient and trustworthy to do this and I don't have the intention of jumping from one person to the other because it will be a threat to the success of this business.

Your role is simply to stand as a next of kin and receive the money. I can assure you that this transaction is 100% risk-free and shall be followed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from the breach of law. If we agree on this, I will proceed with the necessary arrangement so that you can be eligible to receive the funds as the legitimate beneficiary. We must work in accordance with the law so that you will not have problem with the government of your country when the money enters your bank account. When we conclude the transaction successfully, you will keep 50% of the money for me and 50% for yourself.

I look forwarding to working with you with honest cooperation to ensure absolute success in this transaction and for a future relationship.

Best regards
Barr. ED Hensley

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