Saturday, August 11, 2018

Your Abandoned Package For Delivery

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2018
Subject: Fwd: Your Abandoned Package For Delivery

Hello this is the second email I got from "Marcus" about the abandoned package containing money that's supposedly at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. He also attached pictures, 1 is a scan of the said package to show what's inside of the trunk & the other picture is of the packages which are suppose to be in the airport vault where they are being held. What is strange is that the vault picture looks like packages inside someone's home. 
I wanted to pass this along to you since I saw your post on your website about this scam. I sent you an email earlier this morning since I did receive the same email on this matter. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marcus M Edgar <>
Date: Fri, Aug 10, 2018, 4:39 PM
Subject: Your Abandoned Package For Delivery

Marcus M. Edgar
Interim Assistance General Manager,
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
285 Rodgers Pepper Lane,
Dallas,Texas 75243, USA
Tel: +1 214-856-8570

Attention:  Dear Friend,

               Re: Your Package For Delivery

Thanks for your quick response, I have crossed checked your details
with the information stated on the official documents received from
United Nations office in Geneva attached and have confirmed that you
are the actual beneficiary to receive the consignment being held here
at the Dallas/Fort International Airport Storage Vault to ensure the
full protection of you and me, I would respectfully request we
maintain confidentiality.

Furthermore, for you to have full confidence of the existence of this
consignment, I have attached to this email a confidential copy of the
US Customs Ultra Scan Report(For Your Eyes Only) which indicates that
the trunk box have been scanned and confirmed to be filled with
valuable monetary instrument worth millions of dollars and in order
for me to negotiate with the Airport Vault Authorities (AVA) for the
release of the withheld package to you, I will go ahead and pay for
the US Non Inspection Charges of $3,700 which was the main reason the
consignment was with-held by the Dallas/Fort International Airport
Authorities here in Dallas/Fort since these charges were not paid by
the diplomatic agent delivering this consignment to you.

Please note that once I have been able to clear these release
requirements, I shall board the next flight to your city to deliver
this box to you but you have to assure me that my own share of the
funds which is 30% of the total value will be given to me on my

I will go ahead and pay for the Non Inspection Charges and concluded
negotiations for the release of the consignment to you which could be
completed later today, but you have to assure me once again that my
own share of the money will be given to me as I am taking a big risk
doing this processing on your behalf. I would respectfully request
that you keep the contents of our communication confidential. I am
making use of the opportunity since I will be retiring soon without
anyone knowing about it, unless if you reveal it to a third party,
which I would strongly advice you never to do so and remember, 'Loose
Lips Sink Ships'. Please reply back to this message and confirm to me
that you received this message, I await your earliest reply. Thanks
for your understanding and corporations. You can text me only on my
telephone number at +1 214-856-8570, Text only please cause am always
busy and can not answer call at all time.

Please confirm receipt.

Warmest Regards,
Marcus M. Edgar

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