Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Fwd: Online Riknorde Bank

Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Subject: Fwd: Online Riknorde Bank
To: "" <>

Hello. I cannot find it, but I received a similar email from 'Bernard Arnault', email address was similar to, or ..282 etc. I sent a copy of my Indian Status card and drivers license back, with certain numbers blotted out to prevent theft,& this James Fernando and I have been emailing back and forth for over a year.

I have sent most of the emails here; I will find the rest. Of course I hope it isn't a scam; but why would Mr Arnault donate 3.5 million USD to an unknown like me?

From: James Fernando
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Online Riknorde Bank
To: A 'Tiger' Will Mason

Mr Mason,

You doubt too much, just follow the instructions as your donation account officer, nobody is defrauding you of any money, we have been instructed to give you this money, contacting Mr Bernard?, no need of wasting your time that you will be using to get this money, you have not provide this fee, just provide it now and see if this is  worth to scam you, of cause no, just pay the money now, and you will get the money transfer to the account and all you need is to transfer to your personal account, it is very easy as that, please if there is anyway you know you can get the $500 on time please do, so that we can work fast with you as soon as possible,

James Fernando.

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