Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Fwd: Read your mail

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robinson Jonathan <>
Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Subject: Read your mail

Dear Friend
I am Mr.Robinson Jonathan personal attorney to a foreign national who
died of heart attack 2010 without any registered next of kin as he was
long divorced and had no child My client left behind (US$5.7Million)
Five million seven hundred thousand united states dollars,in the bank
here in Lome-Togo.The bank has issued me a notice to come forward for
the claim or have his account confiscated,Since I have been
unsuccessful in locating any relatives of my decease client.

I contacted you because you have the same name with him and you can
perfectly fit as next of kin to My late client we can work together as
partner enable us claim the fund and share it 50/50 I will give you
more details as soon as I hear from you.

Mr.Robinson Jonathan

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