Saturday, June 8, 2019

Fwd: To Stand As The Beneficiary

Date: Saturday, June 8, 2019
Subject: Fwd: To Stand As The Beneficiary

Sent from an ill banker. Wanting me to be a beneficiary. I get many of these. I know they are scams. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mr James"<>
Date: June 7, 2019 at 2:29:20 PM EDT
Subject: To Stand As The Beneficiary
Reply-To: <>

Dear friend ,
My name is Mr. James Agbeko. I am a retired banker of one bank in ghana west africa,i do not want problems but i just hope you can assist me.i write you this letter in good faith, i have a transaction
I realized this fund from bank excess profit after trading with the capital sum and i deposited the funds in escrow call account; where nobody will have access to it; even the bank does not have access to this account because it cannot be deducted; until after the transfer.finally i did not declare this fund to the bank before my retirement.
I am contacting you, to stand as the beneficiary of this fund because only a foreigner can stand as the beneficiary,can i trust you to hold this money for me until i come over to your country? after the transfer, i will give you 30% of the money as your commission.if you accept my offer, but if you do not accept this offer kindly forget that i contacted you,
All i need is for you to get a good current account where this fund can be transferred into and for you to stand as the beneficiary of the said amount; within three days the funds will be transferred to your designated bank account,there are practically no risks involved; it will be a bank-to-bank transfer.
I hope you understand my situation, i am critically ill that is why i contacted you to finalize this transaction to enable me have a very good treatment.
May God bless you  and your family.
I wait your urgent reply
Best regards,
Mr.  James Agbeko

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