Friday, July 10, 2020


----Original Message-----
From: Michael Abel <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 8, 2020 03:38 PM
Subject: Reply


Compliments of the day.

My name is MICHAEL ABEL, I am an investment manager to an investor.

My client the investor is Late. His fortune $75 Million USD which has
been deposited in the vault of a financial institution and it is in
the process of being confiscated by the state after many years
unclaimed. I have tried several times to locate his relatives but all
my efforts proved abortive.

Due to certain clause on the deposit agreement between my late client
(the depositor) and the financial institution, I thought it is wise to
inquire from you, if you would be interested to handle this project
with me to present you as his next of kin/beneficiary of the funds
which I believe will benefit you and I.

Please I will like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and
delete if you are not interested. Upon receipt of your reply, I will
send you full details on how the business will be executed. I
guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate procedure that
will protect us from any breach of the Law.

Yours faithfully,

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