Monday, May 9, 2022

Fwd: Good Day, My Friend Cairo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Isaac Odenttem <>
Date: Monday, May 9, 2022
Subject: Good Day, My Friend Cairo

My dear, I contacted you because you have the same name as my client,
which automatically allows me to introduce you as his closest relative.

My name is Isaac Odentem, I am currently the Audit Director in Ghana
Commercial Bank. I make you this suggestion about the death of a
Client Gabriel, who was my client until his death, leaving some huge amount of money in my bank. After unsuccessful attempts to find him
relationship, I decided to contact you because you have the same last name as my client. Please contact me via this email for more information:

If you're serious, contact me by email, but if not, I'll find it
someone else with the same last name as you, who will gladly accept this offer

The total amount raised here is $ 15,500,000, and we will do that
both share 50%.

I look forward to your mail, thank you.

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