Friday, June 14, 2019

Fwd: Fw: Important Notification

Date: Thursday, June 13, 2019
Subject: Fw: Important Notification
To: "" <>

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Jerome H. Powell" <WWWW00UO@BORA.NET>
Sent: Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: Important Notification
Customers Service Hours / Monday To Saturday
Office Hours Monday To Saturday:
The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board
Building houses the main offices of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
It is located at 20th Street and Constitution
Avenue, N.W., in Washington
Re: Important Notification
The recent launched Joint External Debt Hub (JEDH) by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Finance Statistics (TFFS) This joint launch is by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank and represents efforts to
Synergize international advances in the area of external debt statistics. Due to this new organization, the World Bank has gratified the international Debt Management to look into the all outstanding contractors/Workers due for payment with US Government. In Regards to this, your name was among the unsettled contractors/Workers who have not received their payments. I wish to inform you that the international Debt Management has been approved and instructed by world debt organization & World Bank to process and release all the outstanding payment which has been due for payment.
This is to officially notify you that the World Bank in conjunction with the United States set aside US$3.4Billion to pay in good claims from foreign Inheritance Fund/ Lottery/ (Next of Kin); In line with this arrangement the United States on Foreign Debt Matters (USFDM) ordered that contractors/ Lottery/and Next-of-Kin whose file have shown sufficient proof regarding job execution and debt outstanding be settled without delay. We wish to inform you that your file has been forwarded to Clarion Bank by various offices and department showing that you have fulfilled all conditions necessary to receive your payment.
One of the reasons your payment had been delayed for so long was because of counter-claim on your fund, this necessitated the perusal of documents relating to your contract payment, we were convinced but that you are the bona-fide beneficiary to the said fund. The attempts to divert your payment to foreign account was done by  your local representatives in collaboration with some  past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason. And most of the officials involved in several executive misconducts have been sacked.
I hereby to inform you this day that your contractors inheritance/ Lottery/and Next-of-Kin sum calculated US$10.3M shall be paid to you. Be aware that all necessary modalities concerning the release of your fund have regularized, so all we require from is your honest concentration to make this transaction happen.
NOTE: There are numerous scam emails on the internet, imposters impersonating names and images. We therefore warn our dear citizens to be very careful with any claim email you receive prior to these irregularities so that they do not fall victim to this ugly circumstance anymore.
And should in case you are already dealing with anybody or office claiming that you have a payment with them, you are to STOP further contact with them immediately in your best interest and contact the real bank (Clarion Bank) only where your fund is laying, with the below information:
Bank Name: Clarion Bank.
Attn: Marshall CressWell
(Remittance Director)
Department Code: 85850
Contact the bank today and furnish them with this information below for processing of your payment/funds accordingly.
NOTE: In your best interest, any message that does not come from the above email address should be Nullify and avoided immediately for security reasons.
Meanwhile, we will advise that you contact the Clarion Bank office  immediately with the above email address and request that they attend to your payment file as  directed so as to enable you receive your payment/fund accordingly.
Ensure you follow all directives from Clarion Bankas this will further help hasten up the whole payment process in regards to the transfer of your fund to you as designated. Also have in mind that the Clarion Bank equally has their own protocol of operation as stipulated on their banking terms.
Should in case you need any more information in regards to this notification, feel free to get back to us via email so that we can brief you more as we are here to guide you during and after this project has been completely perfected and you have received your payment/fund as stated.
Thank you very much for your anticipated co-operation.
Jerome H. Powell
Chairman of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

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