---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <justren@aol.com>
Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2019
To: chichioblimu@gmail.com, San.francisco@ic.fbi.gov, emailscamalerts@gmail.com
Dear beneficiary I swear If I fail to release your payment after you send the$50 as I promise don't count on me again, I cannot fail you, I promise you don't fear as soon as you send the $50 Ebay Gift Card or Steam Wallet Gift Card oriTunes card today please leave the rest to me and see if I am lying to youbecause I can not use my life swear because of $50, how can I swear against mylife because of this small amount? it is to show you that I am telling you thetruth.don't you know that the IMF AND THE HOMELAND SECURITY are monitoring all ourconversation and they sees each and every email we sent to each other just tomake sure that nothing stops our transaction and to also ensure that everythinggoes the right way just give me a try you can count on me because I amlegitimate and trustworthy if we do anything funny they must know and it willcause a lot of problems that may lead to the confiscation of this funds and Idon't want that to happen I always stick to my word I am a Woman of my wordsand I never fail to do what I have promised to do so you don't need to fear orworry over anything because you are dealing with a legit company and we don'tdouble charge in this company I give you my word this $50 Ebay Gift Card orSteam Wallet Gift Card or iTunes card is the only fee you will ever pay toreceive your funds nothing more i swear If I fail to mail your funds to yourresidence destination after you send the $50 Ebay Gift Card or Steam WalletGift Card or iTunes card as I promise don't count on me again, I cannot failyou, I promise you don't fear as soon as you send the $50 today please leavethe rest to me and see if I am lying to you because I can not use my life swearbecause of $50 how can I swear against my life because of this small amount? itis to show you that I am telling you the truth.I would have paid the $50 on your behalf long ago if I was allowed to but thegovernment of USA always reject my fees because I am only your DiplomaticDelivery Agent and my Job is to make sure you receive your funds as soon aspossible you are the only one that can be allowed to pay this $50 because youare the rightful owner of this funds I hope you now understand the reason whyyou have to pay the $50 with Ebay Gift Card or Steam Wallet Gift Card or iTunescard by yourself so that you can be able to receive your funds in the next 4hours as planned You should not have any negative thoughts about me because amlegitimate so don't fear or worry over anything because your 100% safetyregarding this delivery is assured my name is Mr Wolf William your DiplomaticDelivery Agent from the DHL GOAL MAIL COMPANY New York USA the total amount youare expecting to receive is $5.7 Million Dollars Ok and The $50 Ebay Gift Cardor Steam Wallet Gift Card or iTunes card fee is for the delivery process ofyour funds and it will be enough for this delivery and as soon as you send methe required $50 Ebay Gift Card or Steam Wallet Gift Card or iTunes card i willdeliver your funds to you straight to your home address without any delay OkAnd i swear with my life once you send me this $50 Ebay Gift Card or SteamWallet Gift Card or iTunes card there will be no more fees and i give you the100% assurance that once you send this iTunes card of $50 there will be no morefees trust me just give me a try and if unfortunately any fee of any kind comesout i will take care of it just go ahead and send me the required $50 iTunescard and leave the rest to me and if i ever request for any more fees letthunder strike me instantly trust me.I promise you as soon as i hear from you with the payment of $50 iTunes card.Today i shall get everything done the same day you send the $50 iTunes card IswearTell +229 90179879Mrs Chinyere O Wilson
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