Sunday, April 24, 2022

Attention Beneficiary

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaen Jacqueline <>
Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Subject: Attention Beneficiary

Attention Beneficiary

The United Nations in cooperation with World Bank have agreed to
Donate to you the sum of One Million Two Hundred Thousand US Dollars
This payment Program is organized for charity organization/Scam
victims and COVID-19 Support.

You  will receive the total sum of One Million Two Hundred
Thousand, Credited to Online Bank, This payment has been approved for
immediate payment/Delivery to you.

Your urgent response to this email will help facilitate the onward
Delivery/Payment of $, Contact payment officer Mr. Dan.
Ladi E-mail: (  )
Phone:  ( +229-9998-6153 )

Jaen Jacqueline
United Nations Information Centre

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